The short answer is that there is a kind of Markdown support for tables in [Markdown Extra]( - I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned in this thread yet (according to <kbd>CTRL-F</kbd> search, at any rate), although we have had Github-flavoured Markdown mentioned. This has been implemented for a long time, and the "syntax" is pretty well-known. One thinks it would be a simple and effective enhancement for SO/SE. As a bonus, a move to Markdown Extra would bring definition lists, too -- and even [footnotes]( (hurrah!).<sup>1</sup> ;) <sub><sup>1</sup> SO might not need 'em, but SE most definitely does! In addition, see now the 58-times UV'ed (as of this writing) "[Time to fork markdown?](", which explicitly draws attention to footnote and table support.</sub>