Over on the [Drupal Answers][1] site, I have seen a bunch of suggested edits that are more than likely from spambots.  I don't recall seeing this behavior before, and it has happened a bunch of times the last two days.

There have been two "types".

The first looks like a user gets created, and this user edits an existing answer and adds in a spam link before another link in the answer.  I have also seen an existing answer get copied verbatim, and a spam link added before other link.

This happened in the following cases:

 - https://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/29677/how-remove-the-default-generated-div-tags-in-views-result/29686#29686 (the answer is now deleted)
 - https://drupal.stackexchange.com/suggested-edits/2103
 - https://drupal.stackexchange.com/suggested-edits/2159
 - https://drupal.stackexchange.com/suggested-edits/2169
 - https://drupal.stackexchange.com/suggested-edits/2178

The suggested edits are anonymous edits that totally replace the text with spam links.

I have been rejecting and flagging these as appropriate.

I am curious, though, whether there is an increase in this type of spam on other sites, or if it is just the DA site.  I don't have enough rep on other sites to get the **suggested edits** tab on the **review** page to see if it is happening elsewhere.

[1]: http://drupal.stackexchange.com