# Question #

> 1. When ***writing about*** Stack Exchange, or ***citing from*** Stack Exchange, in research papers, citations, bibliographies, etc.: *Is there a Common Convention or Etiquette suggested when referring to Stack Exchange questions and users?*
> 2. Is there an official Stack Exchange guide, (a URL), regarding "Common Conventions", or "Etiquette" that may help clarify this, and other similar questions? 


\#1 is explicitly answered below.  However, in view of the comments, and questions, the "implicit" answer to #2 seems to be "No".


This would be very helpful -- given the wiki, and the fact that Stack is being cited formally, (https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/49760/citing-stack-overflow-discussions).


Another `stack user` also noted the importance of generalizations - affirming that "Stack Etiquette", ([Stack Link][1]) -- but they did not include a citation to a general etiquette "Thread".


 1. Other Stack sites, ([Stack Link][2])? (Stacks? Exchanges?)
 2. Other Questions? (Threads?)

OP's? Commenters? Questioners? Exchangers? Stackers? Editors?
# Wikipedia Example #

Wikipedia refers to its users, and users refer to each other as [Wikipedians][3].  

Although in practice, "Editors" seems to take precedence.

  [1]: https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/175009/how-can-i-reference-another-user-in-an-answer
  [2]: https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/152405/what-are-the-proper-names-for-stack-exchange-sites
  [3]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Wikipedians
  [4]: https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/43019/how-do-comment-replies-work