For a background of the problem, see [this other question][1].


Feature Proposal

This feature proposal is reduce posting of "linking hit-and-runs" answers.

An answer is a "linking hit-and-run" if links occupy >= 15% of the body and the character count if lower or equal to 200.

If an answer is qualified as a "linking hit-and-run", one of the following actions could be implemented:

 - **Warning Only:** Warn the user that his answer is a "linking hit-and-run" and considered bad etiquette on this website to post that kind of answer and that posting such answer might incur negative reputation for that very reason.


 - **Warning and CW:** Warn the user that his answer is a "linking hit-and-run" and that it will be marked as *community wiki* unless he adds more body content. If the user decides to post the answer anyway, the answer is marked *community wiki* and no reputation is gained.


 - **Deny:** Outright deny posting the answer.

This should reduce the number of users posting small and cryptic answers linking to an other site.

I think a change is required as this has become a community problem and this trend cannot be reversed on a case-by-case down-voting of those types of answers. New users have no idea that this is frown upon which is why this problem needs to be solved systematically.
