**NO** Ask the question on the site you think is most applicable. If like in this case, it does not get any answer **ask a moderator to migrate the question** or alternatively delete it and re-ask it. Each site is focussed at a **specific topic area**. If you have a question you feel is to ambiguous, either re-think the question carefully, or do as suggested above. 99.99% of questions people have claimed as being cross site has been proven to be valid on a single site if written properly and thought through. SE is not a wild west for questions, question need to be worked on the be worthy, and if worthy will target a specific audience. **Specific Answer** Looking at the question your referring to specifically, your asking the wrong question, and not providing enough detail. I have commented on your question and would suggest you update your question with more specific detail, it's not very clear what is going wrong, and without specific information it is hard to try and answer your question. The only valid answer at this point I can come up with is that it works perfectly for me based on what you described. The question as is, is a SF question, **however** if you provide specific information it would be valid on SO since it is referring to the configuration of a development tool. *Note. I do not consider any of the Beta sites valid migrate targets until **they are out of public beta**. There is still no guarantees that a current SE site will live past beta.*