# Question #

What are the "Official Conventions" that are suggested to refer Stack Exchange Users?  


Another Exchanger also noted the importance of generalizations - affirming that "Stack Etiquette" discourages directly referring to specific users and user names, ([Stack Link][1]) -- but they did not include a citation to a general etiquette "Thread".

**For Example:**

 1. To "All Stack Exchange Users, in general.
 2. To those who posted a question.
 3. To those who answered.
 4. To those who commented.


 1. Other Stack sites, ([Stack Link][2])? (Stacks? Exchanges?)
 2. Other Questions? (Threads?)

OP's? Commenters? Questioners? Exchangers? Stackers? Editors?
# Wikipedia Example #

Wikipedia refers to its users, and users refer to each other as [Wikipedians][3].  

Although in practice, "Editors" seems to take precedence.

# Typical Stack Dialogue #

> **Q:** How should I refer to other "Stack Exchangers"?  It seems "Exchanger A" objects to formality -- can there be?  Another user pointed out that specific references to individuals is contrary to Stack Etiquette, ([Stack Link][1]).

> **C1:** Your question if vague.  But, it seems "Popper" answered your question; if that is true, please mark it as accepted, and we can propose clarifications to your question.

> **C2:** As another Commenter noted, it seems the OP/Pusher is referring to a related Stack Question: link, link ...


> **A:** We are "Writers".  It's probably not "Pushers" and "Poppers" -- not many people may get the pun.

> **C:** Answerer: Another Commenter points out that many people may not get "stack" either, so probably not the most consistent answer.


Generally, direct replies to the questioner or answerer don't work with  @[username], and this gets ambiguous anyway when multiple people edit questions/answers.  See: [How to Stack Comment @replies][4] ...

  [1]: http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/175009/how-can-i-reference-another-user-in-an-answer
  [2]: http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/152405/what-are-the-proper-names-for-stack-exchange-sites
  [3]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Wikipedians
  [4]: http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/43019/how-do-comment-replies-work