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Luis Mendo
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Improve description of "comment everywhere" privilege

The Comment everywhere privilege description in many (all?) of the sites currently says (boldface added):

Please note that you can always comment on your own posts, and any part of your questions. However, commenting on other people's posts is a privilege gained from earning reputation [...]

The above doesn't make it clear that any user can actually add comments on answers to their questions. Probably the first boldface phrase was meant to convey that, but it's really confusing that an answer qualifies as a "part of your question", and not as "other people's posts".

So, can it be worded more explicitly? Perhaps something like (the changed parts are in italics)

Please note that you can always comment on your own posts, and on answers to your questions. However, commenting on other posts is a privilege gained from earning reputation [...]

Luis Mendo
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