Migration Schedule
Here's an overview of the sites we're going to migrate, when we're planning to run the migration and the current status of that site. I'll keep it updated as we go. We might run into some issues along the way, so please understand that predicting an exact timeline is hard and we're going to adapt as we go.
Current Status
Migrations are moving forward and I'll update the scheduled and finished migrations continuously. Most sites will be migrated during regular day-to-day operations. For Stack Overflow itself, we've got to find a slot on a weekend to avoid blocking our developers from deploying. The overall process is still going to take a few days but we're making steady progress.
CommonMark is active, posts have been migrated for these sites
- 2020-06-03: Meta Stack Exchange ✔
- 2020-06-03: Meta Stack Overflow ✔
- 2020-06-04: Physics (Meta + Main) initial run passed, another pass on 2020-06-11 ✔
- 2020-06-04: Movies & TV (Meta + Main) ✔
- 2020-06-10: TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange ✔
- 2020-06-10: Blender Stack Exchange ✔
- 2020-06-10: Code Review Stack Exchange ✔
- 2020-06-10: Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange ✔
- 2020-06-10: Chemistry Stack Exchange ✔
- 2020-06-10: Academia Stack Exchange ✔
- 2020-06-11: Server Fault ✔
- 2020-06-11: Stack Overflow en español ✔
- 2020-06-11: Unix & Linux Stack Exchange ✔
- 2020-06-11: Cross Validated ✔
- 2020-06-11: Stack Overflow em Português ✔
- 2020-06-11: Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange ✔
- 2020-06-11: Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange ✔
- 2020-06-12: Mathematics ✔
- 2020-06-12: Stack Overflow на русском ✔
- 2020-06-12: Super User ✔
- 2020-06-12: Ask Ubuntu ✔
- 2020-06-15: MathOverflow
- 2020-06-15: English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
- 2020-06-15: Ask Different
- 2020-06-15: Salesforce Stack Exchange
- 2020-06-15: WordPress Development Stack Exchange
- 2020-06-15: Magento Stack Exchange
- 2020-06-15: SharePoint Stack Exchange
- 2020-06-15: Arqade
- 2020-06-15: Database Administrators Stack Exchange
- 2020-06-15: Drupal Answers
Next (no date yet)
- Stack Overflow
- Stack Overflow Teams
- English Language Learners Stack Exchange
- Mathematica Stack Exchange
- Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange
- Information Security Stack Exchange
- Software Engineering Stack Exchange
- Home Improvement Stack Exchange
- Game Development Stack Exchange
- Travel Stack Exchange
- Role-playing Games Stack Exchange
- Computer Science Stack Exchange
- Webmasters Stack Exchange
- Mi Yodeya
- Graphic Design Stack Exchange
- Web Applications Stack Exchange
- Raspberry Pi Stack Exchange
- Personal Finance & Money Stack Exchange
- User Experience Stack Exchange
- Ethereum Stack Exchange
- The Workplace Stack Exchange
- Worldbuilding Stack Exchange
- Data Science Stack Exchange
- Biology Stack Exchange
- Bitcoin Stack Exchange
- Photography Stack Exchange
- Seasoned Advice
- スタック・オーバーフロー
- Motor Vehicle Maintenance & Repair Stack Exchange
- Cryptography Stack Exchange
- Japanese Language Stack Exchange
- Software Recommendations Stack Exchange
- Arduino Stack Exchange
- Puzzling Stack Exchange
- Signal Processing Stack Exchange
- Music: Practice & Theory Stack Exchange
- Emacs Stack Exchange
- Aviation Stack Exchange
- Русский язык
- Law Stack Exchange
- Quantitative Finance Stack Exchange
- Bicycles Stack Exchange
- Philosophy Stack Exchange
- Gardening & Landscaping Stack Exchange
- Network Engineering Stack Exchange
- German Language Stack Exchange
- Space Exploration Stack Exchange
- ExpressionEngine® Answers
- Craft CMS Stack Exchange
- Christianity Stack Exchange
- Hinduism Stack Exchange
- CiviCRM Stack Exchange
- Board & Card Games Stack Exchange
- History Stack Exchange
- Code Golf Stack Exchange
- Anime & Manga Stack Exchange
- Islam Stack Exchange
- Politics Stack Exchange
- Theoretical Computer Science Stack Exchange
- French Language Stack Exchange
- Software Quality Assurance & Testing Stack Exchange
- Economics Stack Exchange
- Skeptics Stack Exchange
- Writing Stack Exchange
- Engineering Stack Exchange
- Sound Design Stack Exchange
- Vi and Vim Stack Exchange
- Sitecore Stack Exchange
- Astronomy Stack Exchange
- Computational Science Stack Exchange
- Physical Fitness Stack Exchange
- Linguistics Stack Exchange
- Chinese Language Stack Exchange
- Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange
- elementary OS Stack Exchange
- Video Production Stack Exchange
- Spanish Language Stack Exchange
- Reverse Engineering Stack Exchange
- Tridion Stack Exchange
- Psychology & Neuroscience Stack Exchange
- Buddhism Stack Exchange
- Artificial Intelligence Stack Exchange
- Pets Stack Exchange
- Medical Sciences Stack Exchange
- Joomla Stack Exchange
- Parenting Stack Exchange
- Expatriates Stack Exchange
- Chess Stack Exchange
- Homebrewing Stack Exchange
- Project Management Stack Exchange
- The Great Outdoors Stack Exchange
- Robotics Stack Exchange
- Open Data Stack Exchange
- Tor Stack Exchange
- Earth Science Stack Exchange
- Sports Stack Exchange
- Russian Language Stack Exchange
- Ask Patents
- Monero Stack Exchange
- Latin Language Stack Exchange
- Interpersonal Skills Stack Exchange
- DevOps Stack Exchange
- Windows Phone Stack Exchange
- Literature Stack Exchange
- Bricks
- Hardware Recommendations Stack Exchange
- Amateur Radio Stack Exchange
- 3D Printing Stack Exchange
- Retrocomputing Stack Exchange
- Italian Language Stack Exchange
- Bioinformatics Stack Exchange
- Genealogy & Family History Stack Exchange
- Quantum Computing Stack Exchange
- Open Source Stack Exchange
- Woodworking Stack Exchange
- Computer Graphics Stack Exchange
- History of Science and Mathematics Stack Exchange
- Mathematics Educators Stack Exchange
- Lifehacks Stack Exchange
- Music Fans Stack Exchange
- Stack Apps
- EOS.IO Stack Exchange
- Ukrainian Language Stack Exchange
- Portuguese Language Stack Exchange
- Poker Stack Exchange
- Freelancing Stack Exchange
- Martial Arts Stack Exchange
- Sustainable Living Stack Exchange
- Mythology & Folklore Stack Exchange
- Internet of Things Stack Exchange
- Arts & Crafts Stack Exchange
- Esperanto Language Stack Exchange
- Ebooks Stack Exchange
- Korean Language Stack Exchange
- Stellar Stack Exchange
- Coffee Stack Exchange
- Tezos Stack Exchange
- Language Learning Stack Exchange
- Beer, Wine & Spirits Stack Exchange
- Operations Research Stack Exchange
- Iota Stack Exchange
- Computer Science Educators Stack Exchange
- Veganism & Vegetarianism Stack Exchange
- Community Building Stack Exchange
- Constructed Languages Stack Exchange
- Drones and Model Aircraft Stack Exchange
- Materials Modeling Stack Exchange
- CS50