There has been an obvious problem with newbies getting the dialog when they have been question banned, and they don't understand the basics of clicking on the link to get the answer to why it happened. The screenshot looks like: ![Quality Question screenshot][3] so the text is: > Sorry, we are no longer accepting questions from this account. See to learn more. It's obvious they don't get it. Maybe they're non-english-language users, and don't understand the meaning of "See" in this context or the strange hyperlink that faces them, or maybe they have little web experience. **How about we make this more newbie-friendly?** One way would be to change the last phrase to something like: > **[Click here][1]** to learn why. Anytime we get a lot of questions that show non-understanding of what's going on, that should point out to us that we're having a communication problem with our users. Instead, it seems like newbies [come here for support and just get down-voted into oblivion][2], and we ignore the fact that it keeps happening. Is this really the environment that we want to have at Meta for our sites, or could we instead go with the "There's no such thing as a bad question." attitude (talking about **only** support questions here). I'm open to other suggestions on the phrasing and implementation, but we really need to do something, especially with all the non-computer-technical sites coming online. [1]: [2]: [3]: