Steps to repro : 0. Find a suggested edit that seems suspicious *(clearly an audit)* 0. Press <kbd>F5</kbd> OR <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>r</kbd> OR the refresh button *(who uses the gui anyway)* 0. ... 0. Break the audit! (see image) [Link to the audit][1] > ![enter image description here][2] When you get on a suggested edit that is an audit and accidentally refresh the page, instead of just showing the normal page with all four buttons it change for this layout with a "item is not reviewable". I've been reproducing it many times. *The normal behavior is exactly similar to the picture on the left below. The audit is not supposed to have "community" as its username AND should show the 4 buttons.* It's a way to avoid audits, and is pretty annoying! --- If that matters I am on Chrome 25. --- **EDIT before even submitting the post!** *pretty sure it's the fastest edit to ever happen on SO* Repro'd Again! > ![enter image description here][4] > ![enter image description here][5] [1]: [2]: "screen shot displays: 'This item is not reviewable' on top" [4]: "screen shot displays: 'This item is not reviewable' on top" [5]: "screen shot displays: 'This item is not reviewable' on top"