A couple of different ways to do this in markdown that will work on any browser:


Ordered list:

 1. `test`

Unordered list:

 *  `test`

As second paragraph, it's fine:

 *  first paragraph
        second paragraph

***First Approach:** You use backticks to indicate that the first two lines are inline code snippets. You don't get syntax highlighting this way, but you don't get that with `<pre>` and `<code>` tags anyway.*


Ordered list:

 1. &nbsp;


Unordered list:

 *  &nbsp;


As second paragraph, it's fine:

 *  first paragraph
        second paragraph

***Second Approach:** You use either a string of regular (non-code) text, or a literal space character (`&nbsp;`) or equivalent, to make the list item show up, then you indent the code block using **8** spaces starting on the next line.*

*The advantage here is that you get syntax highlighting for the code block and it is a lot easier to read. The obvious disadvantage is that it will not be displayed on the same line as the number/bullet. It's still just below the number/bullet, though, and obviously associated with it, so this achieves very much the same general effect as the first approach.*