I saw a discussion here awhile back about [basic questions][1] cluttering Stack Overflow. Over at the Graphic Design beta, one type of question that we get that are perceived as clutter is [[font-identification]][3], where people post up an image and people try to figure out what font it is. There are a bunch of ways to try and achieve this before you should be posting to SE or a forum, and we have them listed in the [tag wiki][2]. However, a lot of people who ask this question are newcomers who probably aren't going to find that page.

[We've been discussing solutions][4], but I have another one that would be a new feature.

Would it be possible to do something along the lines of the "Similar Questions" feature to direct the OP to resources before asking the question? This could be pulled out of title/body context, or pulled up by what is tagged. So if I tag [font-identification] (and perhaps I'm under a certain rep), a box would pop up that directs to resources where typical answers to [font-identification] questions could be had. If they get their answer, great! No need to ask the question. If not, then it can save us the "what have you tried" step.

If sufficiently advanced, this could be valuable for people who are inexperienced with coding. If SE can sense that I'm posting Python code and I'm asking about string manipulation, it could suggest a few sites (vetted by the community, maybe tied to tag wikis?) that address Python string manipulation.

[1]: http://meta.stackoverflow.com/q/167732/204137
[2]: http://graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/tags/font-identification/info
[3]: http://graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/font-identification
[4]: http://meta.graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/q/488/5489