Tag wikis were added to create a editable, user-contributed resource for that site. If the wiki is simply sending users elsewhere to find that information, it should be *rejected.* Tag wikis are there to help introduce newcomers to the tag. They may also contain guidelines on its usage and often contains frequently asked questions about the subject itself. Sometimes a wiki might \*include\* **a list of links** to valuable resources of interest to that topic — that is acceptable — but **if the wiki contain little more than something copied from Wikipedia or a link sending users elsewhere to get that information, it should be removed.** > ### Review | Suggested Edits > > **Tag Wiki: *Reject*** > > This edit copies a significant amount of content from an external source. Generic descriptions such as encyclopedia articles and ad copy do not provide useful guidance; try creating something [useful to this community *specifically*](http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2011/03/redesigned-tags-page/), and be sure to attribute the original author.