Ever since the mass moderator resignations started, there have been hints that it is somehow related to how LGBTQ members of the community are or should be treated or welcomed. For example, in his resignation [notice](https://literature.meta.stackexchange.com/q/1195/88), Aza mentions (emphasis mine),

> I am resigning as a moderator of Literature Stack Exchange, effective immediately.

> My departure is not on good terms....

> By other mods, by staff, and by the entrenched power structure of Stack Exchange, I have been made to feel unwelcome *for my queerness*. This particular pattern is abusive and makes an ironic mockery of kindness.

> ...Only the privileged party can elect to pretend, for a while, that we do not exist. *And when moratoria are placed on speaking of our transness among moderators, only the cisgender among us are relieved.* 

A more recent post by Skliwz [alleges](https://meta.stackexchange.com/q/334051/336163) that the upcoming change in the CoC alluded to by many of the resigning moderators is over the use or misuse of gender pronouns for persons identifying as transgender.

**Does the Stack Exchange network have a problem with misgendering users or otherwise being unwelcoming or rude toward LGBTQ contributors? If so, what is it, and can someone share some concrete examples of what exactly happened?** In all the time I have been here, I haven't seen any indication of such - even the religion-based sites have stayed welcoming, honestly explaining traditional and conservative teachings while maintaining civility and even niceness. The occasional troll notwithstanding (whose posts tend to get shredded rapidly), I don't see how we even have a "problem" at all.

Where specifically are LGBTQ members feeling persecuted or unwelcome? Is there an organized campaign or cabal devoted to misgendering users by intentionally using the wrong pronouns? Is there a perceived lack of awareness of LGBTQ issues that could be remedied with *education* rather than *behavior modification*?

**In no way am I asking for justifications on why certain moderators have resigned, whether moderators *should* resign, or related organizational matters.** There are plenty of other questions where that may be discussed or debated.