<sup>This is a follow up to [this question](https://meta.stackexchange.com/q/125818/174744).</sup> It appears that yesterday I incurred a loss of 25 rep because a user decided to unupvote and unaccept [one of my answers][1] for the purpose of deleting their question. Is this really an acceptable practice on SE? I don't mind losing the 25 rep really (I have enough to do what I want to on SO), but in principle, it doesn't seem like something we would generally want people doing. Is anyone else bothered by this (not this exact case, but more the general situation)? <sub>I searched for a while to no avail; if there is an official answer available out there I'd appreciate a link.</sub> [1]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9607345/stop-timeouts-server-side/9608101#9608101