I'm just frustrated with the continued poor communication. GenAI is arguably the most heated discussion in tech there is right now; it's polarizing, confusing, and scary to a *lot* of people, *especially* surrounding attribution and apparent content theft (whether legal *or simply perceived*). I find it unbelievably frustrating that apparently nothing has been learned by Stack Exchange on the comms front since [the first round of this with the Google AI partnership][1], which was *also* poorly received (scored +35/*-455* at time of writing). Just like that one, all we've been presented here is a link to the blog with effectively zero meaningful tailored messaging; this post could have been a completely automated notification of the blog post and it would have had exactly the same amount of actual content. It just feels like the company keeps shooting itself in the foot here, and then is shocked at how much it hurts when it happens again in *exactly the same way* the next time. We, your community, *care* about this platform. We *want* to stay updated with partnerships. We even want you to get paid and keep the lights on! But that also comes with wanting to know *more* than what the public press release full of buzzwords provides, to have some insight into how the partnership might practically affect us and the platform, and maybe most importantly, wanting assurances about issues important to us ([like attribution][2]), **which should have been stressed in the original post from the beginning**. I strongly disagree with their approach, but the fact that there are folks already going nuclear from just this announcement illustrates just how badly the company has botched the messaging on this one. The first shot at explaining this in terms the community is willing to hear has been missed by a mile. Again. [1]: https://meta.stackexchange.com/q/398127 [2]: https://meta.stackexchange.com/a/399630