No one should get "special treatment" or "talked down to" simply because of their age, but if you believe this is an indication of skill - that may be another matter which applies to all ages. ### Comprehension As far as answers go: You can usually (not always) tell roughly what someone's skill level is just by reading the post, and target your responses to the perceived comprehension ability so that it can be useful to OP, but include the more complicated details for other users, or for when OP "catches up". This is not much different than posts where OP claims to be a "noob", sometimes you have to gear your answers towards the mindset of someone who is still learning the basics in order for them to understand it, even if the question itself involves something perhaps beyond their ability. There are plenty of other "noobs" out there who will benefit from it. ### Attitude/maturity: Immaturity at any age level should be dealt with the same way on SO. We're here to talk about programming, not teach life lessons on etiquette. If you personally want to, that's fine - but I would certainly not suggest it as a general guideline for all users to follow.