Looks like sometimes moderators might not even be looking at the question description properly and just looking at the title of the question mark it closed.

What I as an OP can do, if I'm not convinced by the reason for closing the question? Should I do something or just go with the **some** of the moderators decision?

See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7083938/which-one-of-c-or-c-should-i-learn-in-depth-considering-that-im-not-new-to-pro

For this, some of the moderators seemed to agree that the question was answerable, but then some other moderator comes and locks the question giving the analogy of [gorilla vs shark](http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2011/08/gorilla-vs-shark/). Honestly I had read this article on SO blog before posting my question and I had tried my best to frame the question keeping in mind gorilla vs shark , and that's why I urged that the question is specific enough that perhaps it could be answered.