It's been brought to my attention that since the [new deletion changes][1] rolled out, there's a seeming inconsistency when you want to delete your own (non-negative-scored) question

* You **can** always delete your own, unanswered, *open* question, but
* You **cannot** delete your own, unanswered *closed* question for two days after closure

This seems illogical; if anything, others having closed a question would seem to make it a better candidate for self-deletion, not worse.  And given that one of the window's main goal is to ensure the OP has a chance to clarify or improve, I don't see much point in blocking it.

Am I missing anything obvious?

EDIT: It appears that this issue pre-dates the changes - before, the same seeming inconsistency existed for users without deletion privileges; now it exists for everyone.  Also, I stink at finding dupes.
