[This post][1] was closed, and subsequently reopened. I wanted to follow the sequence of events, so I looked at the [post's timeline][2], to see if some edit or other action had precipitated the reopening.

I was surprised to see that there are no user names identifying who voted to close and reopen. This seems strange, since that information is easily found from the [revision history][3]. In other words, I need to look at two places to build a complete picture of the history of a post.

It would be much nicer if the timeline included all the relevant information.

  [1]: http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/165593/can-we-add-moderator-features-to-see-keyword-analytics-and-annotated-traffic-gra
  [2]: http://meta.stackexchange.com/posts/165593/timeline
  [3]: http://meta.stackoverflow.com/posts/165593/revisions