We are about 13 days into our beta, and I'm wondering how moderators will be selected ? We've posted the moderator selection question and have votes for various individuals (disclaimer: I'm one of the candidates). 

The reason I'm asking is because we're getting into situations where we are powerless to do anything without moderator power - a specific problem we're having is with one particular user asking a whole bunch of ill-thought out, unmotivated and unclear questions, and those of us with sufficient rep have been reduced to interrogating the user in comments and trying to ascertain the true intent of the posts, subsequently editing the posts. There's a fair amount of consensus on meta that something needs to be done, but since none of us have 2000+ rep, we can't do anything. 

In this nascent stage of the beta, it's important to address problems quickly and clearly to set the tone for the community, and not let a few users take over the front page of the site, but we need help doing this.