> **Possible Duplicate:** > [What Stack Exchange site would address software suggestion questions?](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/132890/what-stack-exchange-site-would-address-software-suggestion-questions) <!-- End of automatically inserted text --> I saw that, in general, questions like the one reported in the title are closed by community. I just cite one as an example: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6548826/angular-js-vs-backbone-js I also read this: http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/18950/should-best-features-software-etc-questions-be-closed which basically says that the focus of Stack Overflow is to get answers to programming questions. But I saw that this is a general attitude of the community, not only on Stack Overflow but also on other Stack Exchange portals, for instance look here: http://workplace.stackexchange.com/questions/1746/what-are-some-good-tools-one-can-use-for-creating-and-maintaining-an-online-cv So, as far as I understand, this is a rule of the community that any comparison question is closed. Am I right on this? My question is why are comparison questions, especially on technology, closed? They seem very useful to me. Is there a 'right' place to post them or it is not at all the goal of Stack Exchange community to answer to them?