Just because something is too broad doesn't mean that it isn't too broad for Programmers.SE. In most cases, questions that are too broad on StackOverflow are also too broad on P.SE (similar logic applies with primarily opinion based and unclear). Lets look at the questions: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2405028/are-there-other-languages-besides-english-that-append-suffixes-to-arabic-numeral This question was asked in March of 2010. It is much to old to migrate now. Why it wasn't migrated then, dunno. However, the question isn't programming related. It *might* be UX related, but then really, its a poll about languages. Look at the answers: > In Klingon you add "DIch" to the number, apparently, to represent ordinality. . > Spanish does. e.g., second == segund(o|a) == 2o/2a . > None for Arabic-Indic This really is a poor fit for Stack Exchange as a whole. --- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17706542/im-stuck-on-programming-in-java-the-concept-is-a-little-difficult-for-me This question sits at -11 on SSO and was closed for off topic - minimal understanding It asks as a question: > How and why would i link that to the main class? in the main's body what do i type? and why shouldn't i just make that function in the mains class anyway? i don't get why you would need multiple classes, someone please explain? This question really fails to ask a single question and also is looking for someone to handhold them them through learning Java. The following comment really hits the nail on the head for this question: > Find someone you know that's a professional software engineer or find a tutor. Talking things through with someone in person is one of the best ways to learn, IMHO Asking a single question may help focus it, but it would have very likely been closed as too broad on P.SE. If you can picture a book (or even a chapter of a book) necessary to answer the question, its too broad. Please don't migrate poor questions. ---- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20154135/what-is-the-point-of-cms As I write this it is at -9, and maybe the meta effect will hit it hard too. This *might* be a candidate for migration **if** it was focused better. > I don't get it. What would be the point of using a CMS when creating a website if you still need to do the css and html from scratch. For example if you take wordpress you would still need to do the css and html from scratch because I would not use a free to download theme from the internet. I'd have closed it as unclear, but thats my take on it. I don't see a *problem* that can be solved. There is lots of confusion that the OP has on that question, and a discussion in chat (alas, not enough rep) may be a better course of action - but that question *will* be generating lots of back and forth in the comments as people try to explain the concepts. --- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19037683/please-explain-my-teachers-feedback-on-my-homework-assignment This is a lengthy bit about someone disputing the teacher's comments. Frankly, the student needs to ask the teacher and talk to them about it. On Meta.P.SE I've written [Open letter to students with homework problems](http://meta.programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/6166/open-letter-to-students-with-homework-problems) which addresses some of the problems with using P.SE for homework - it applies here too. While it may not have been closed quickly (or at all) and might have gotten an answer, its really not a good question but rather one that needs to be asked of the teacher (just like there are questions about {insert product here} should sometimes be asked of the support at that company rather than on SO). > I'm guessing the teacher provided a very specific set of instructions for doing this and you ignored them. . > This question appears to be off-topic because it is about explaining third party evaluation. Both of those would be applicable on P.SE. --- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20434565/understanding-how-classes-work-in-java This question was closed as too broad. And it is. The answer gave links to Oracle's java tutorial, Code Project and some Youtube video. This question falls exactly in the realm of "if you can imagine a book written on the subject". --- --- The reason that P.SE isn't a migration path is that collectively, SO sucks at migrating things to P.SE. Please glance at http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/73382/please-stop-using-programmers-se-as-your-toilet-bowl and Yannis's answer in http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/200122/why-are-the-best-questions-the-ones-which-have-been-closed . The stories of the days when P.SE was a target describe many many migrations that made the front page of P.SE look like a warzone. --- > Is there a more suitable forum for new programmers to get generic or beginner help? I have scoured Area51 for any mention of such a SO site, but to no avail. P.SE is fine for help, but within its scope. These are conceptual questions that *can* be answered in paragraphs rather than chapters. We really prefer questions that show the understanding of a specific problem. Saying "I don't understand classes" or "I need to write something in F70, where should I start" aren't good questions. We're often open to helping people in chat, and often that is the best mechanism for explaining concepts where dense communication is necessary. Otherwise, we end up writing books in the text area. --- > Do SO's policies support helping the OP re-word their question properly so it can be migrated to it to P.SE? Usually subjective questions are flagged and put on hold before this can even be suggested. Putting a question on hold is a *good* step in fixing the question. The OP can then fix up the question and flag it for migration (flagging it for migration is the *only* way to migrate). And this has happened in the past. Also consider asking in Programmer's chat (The Whiteboard) about how to fix a question so that it would be a good P.SE question. We've also got the ears of a few SO mods there and if its needed to migrate it we can try to get it pushed more rapidly. Do realize, I've got 3 outstanding flags on questions asking them to be migrated to P.SE. At this point its unlikely they will get migrated - they've gotten answers on SO (even if the answers are in a P.SE style answer) and questions with accepted upvoted answers tend not to get migrated easily. --- > It has been debated (endlessly) why or why not some subjective questions are allowed to pass through. Can anyone reference specific posts/conversations that discuss establishing a SE site for subjective and/or beginner programming questions? P.SE *isn't* a site for beginner questions. Its a site for focused conceptual questions - beginner or otherwise. Thats the key thing to realize. It doesn't matter if the question is a 'basic' question or not, what matters is if it is a *good* question that can provide long term value to the pool of questions on P.SE. "I don't understand classes" or "why is my teacher wrong" fail that long term good content question.