You already got a per site query from [Patrick]( and that leaves the cross-site-query for me. This [query]( outputs all your questions network-wide with the answers given, listing score, creationdate and the user (linked). The query requires an accountid and that one can be found by visiting your network account on and then take the id from the url. Yours is [439169](, mine is [281857]( <!-- language: lang-sql --> ---- accountid: Account on! "In the url on" -- start create url from dbname IF OBJECT_ID ( '#siteurl', 'P' ) IS NOT NULL DROP PROCEDURE #siteurl; GO create procedure #siteurl @dbname nvarchar(250), @res nvarchar(250) OUT as begin -- we have three sites that have borked DNS entries set @dbname = (case @dbname when 'StackExchange.Audio' then 'StackExchange.Avp' when 'StackExchange.Audio.Meta' then 'StackExchange.Avp.Meta' when 'StackExchange.Mathoverflow.Meta' then 'net.Mathoverflow.meta' else @dbname end) -- and one of those doesn't want to end with .com if @dbname <> 'net.Mathoverflow.meta' set @dbname = 'com.' + @dbname exec #recursesiteurl @dbname, @res OUTPUT end GO -- create url from dbname IF OBJECT_ID ( '#recursesiteurl', 'P' ) IS NOT NULL DROP PROCEDURE #recursesiteurl; GO create procedure #recursesiteurl @dbname nvarchar(250), @res nvarchar(250) OUT as begin declare @pos integer declare @rec nvarchar(250) set @res = @dbname set @pos = CHARINDEX('.', @dbname) if (@pos > 0 ) begin set @rec = substring(@dbname, @pos+1, len(@dbname)) exec #recursesiteurl @rec, @rec output set @res = @rec + '.' + substring(@dbname, 0, @pos) end end; GO declare @accountid int = ##accountid:int## -- 93484 -- all databases declare db_c cursor for select [name] from sys.databases where database_id > 5 -- skip master, temp, model, msdb, Data.SE declare @db_c_name sysname -- holds name of db after fetch declare @sql nvarchar(max) -- holds build up sql string -- result table create table #all_posts ( site nvarchar(250) , id int , title nvarchar(200) , aid int , creationdate datetime , score int , bodyexcerpt nvarchar(100) , owneruserid int , displayname nvarchar(200)); open db_c fetch next from db_c into @db_c_name while(@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) begin set @sql = N'use '+ QUOTENAME(@db_c_name) +'; declare @url nvarchar(250) exec #siteurl ''' + @db_c_name + ''', @url output insert into #all_posts select @url , , q.title , , p.creationdate , p.score , left(p.body,100) , p.owneruserid , pu.displayname from posts p inner join posts q on p.parentid = inner join users pu on = p.owneruserid inner join users qu on = q.owneruserid where qu.accountid = '+ cast(@accountid as nvarchar) + ';' exec (@sql) fetch next from db_c into @db_c_name end; close db_c; deallocate db_c; select replace( replace( replace(site, '',''), '.com',''), '.net','') as [site] , 'http://' + site + '/q/' + cast(id as nvarchar) + '|' + title as question , 'http://' + site + '/a/' + cast(aid as nvarchar) + '|answer' as AnswerLink , score , creationdate --, bodyexcerpt , 'http://' + site + '/users/' + cast(owneruserid as nvarchar) + '|' + displayname as [user] from #all_posts drop table #all_posts drop procedure #recursesiteurl drop procedure #siteurl I start with creating a procedure (functions are not allowed) to translate a databasename to a site url. The db's are named *StackExchange.Photography.meta* and the url for that site is ** A temporary table is going to hold all our data. Then I open a cursor to iterate over all databases (except the *system db's*). In that loop I create a sql statement to switch to the correct database, create an insert/select to insert your posts with the answers in the temp table. When that is done the sql statement is executed. After the loop is done the final select statement produces the result where I buildup the final url to the answers, question and user. The links work because SEDE interprets column values that contain `http://site/url/tosomething|title` as link and the front end renders a nice `<a href="http://site/url/tosomething">title</a>` for us.