### TL;DR: On sites with a custom design, do not change the shape of the tags. On sites with the temporary design, you can modify their shape at will. Just don't make them disappear.

I would prefer the following change:

For sites with the "temporary design", **keep them squared**.

For sites with their own design, **DON'T SQUARE THEM**! Designers would have alerady squared them if they wanted to, don't force them to square the tags.

Yes, I shout for freedom. Freedom means that you are *free* to do whatever you want with the design, **including the tags**. The tags are *a part of the site*, and they show something about it. Today, I **SUDDENLY** [can't stress that enough] saw SQUARE tags. "Tags are...<s>round</s>square..." was my initial thought when I saw this. And it spread to other sites as well! My next thought was "The tag design is <s>100% free</s>square".