When a post is deleted by the review and the post owner undeletes the answer, it [automatically generates a disputed low quality review - Post was undeleted by the author flag](https://meta.stackoverflow.com/a/317988/4099593), and has a nice bold marking  **♦ PostDeletedFromReview** in the side bar. 

However this flag is cleared when the author deletes the post and undeletes it, [which is what happened here (SO 10k+ only)](https://stackoverflow.com/posts/47909367/revisions):


This particular action isn't that helpful, because users can undelete their review-deleted answers without leaving a trace, by undeleting it, deleting it again, and undeleting it again.

Can we please leave or re-trigger the disputed low quality review flag whenever a user deletes and undeletes their post *after* they have undeleted a review deleted post? 

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/mgUnL.png