> **Possible Duplicate:** > [How do suggested edits work?](http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/76251/how-do-suggested-edits-work) <!-- End of automatically inserted text --> Is there an area to review pending suggested edits from users with less than 2k reputation? As far as I know, I have to visit a question directly to even confirm that it has a pending edit. Sometimes when using [the Review site](http://stackoverflow.com/review/), I want to review edits, but there is no edit review tool; consequentially, I would have to resort to clicking every link on the main page until I came across pending edits if I were that determined. This seems like it should be a common question, but I can't seem to find a similar question. In my missing privileges, I see [Moderator Tools](http://stackoverflow.com/privileges/moderator-tools), attainable at 10k reputation, but from the description on that page, whether an edit review tool is included seems ambiguous. And I doubt that a list of suggested edits would be restricted to 10k users when approval votes are given to 2k users.