We now automatically remove *salutations* from posts as they are entered. I got really tired of performing this edit over and over, so anything matching the form of … ^\s* # begins at start of body ( hi(?![a-z])| # any of these greeting words hello| hey(?![a-z])| dear| guys| howdy| h(i|e)ya| hola ) .*? # followed by anything, up to... ( [.,;!-]+\s? # one or more bits of punctuation followed by possible spaces | (\r?\n)+ # one or more newlines ) … is removed automagically at the time of submission to the server. The *thanks* parts at the end of posts are much more difficult / risky to detect, so we are not touching those for now. Some stats based on a local copy of the Stack Overflow database: **questions starting with …** - hi 300,455 - hello 107,646 - hey 22,697 - dear 3,998 - guys 921 - howdy 483 - hiya 344 - heya 207 - hola 56 - hihi 6 - salutations 5