While I'd support longer tags when moderator-approved, at the very minimum I'd like to see an error message when searching for a tag that is too long.  

As an example, here's one that tripped me up for quite a while.  If I search for [Tag:DataContractJsonSerializer] on stackoverflow, I get results stating **0 questions tagged**:

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

However, in reality there are [119 questions](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/datacontractjsonserialize) relating to `DataContractJsonSerializer` on stackoverflow - but they are tagged **[Tag:DataContractJsonSerialize]**.   It took me a while to realize that such a tag even existed, since the more natural [Tag:DataContractJsonSerializer] is only one character too long.

Can the tag search results be modified to indicate that the tag being searched on is too long?  Better yet, if there is a valid, known tag of 25 characters in length whose first 25 characters match the searched tag, can the results include a suggested redirection to the shorter tag?

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/L1C9B.png