Hi **StackExchange** community. First of all sorry for my English. Time ago I had a very bad discussion in **meta.stackexchange.com** or **stackexchange.com** I didn't remmber exactlly, I published a question there but I cannot find it, seems it was deleted by moderation. The reason why I published a question there tiime ago was because In that time I published a question on **superuser.com** then I did a Bounty on that question, I lost 50 points but I needed to add a comment under th question of my Bounty to answer one helper user to give to him details, but as I haven't at least 50 points of reputation I cannot add a comment on my own Bounty (and that design issue of **StackExchange** didn't been improved in all these years). Any moderator helped me to add the comment to my bounty, so I came to pray only for that reason because I think I have reason, if an user wastes 50 points to make a Bounty then at least that user should have the beneffit to add a comment `ON HIM OWN BOUNTY!!!`, I think that I'm not crazy and its more than reasonable what I said. But moderators instead of being comprehensive, they did a tremendous abuse of their power. I came claiming an humanitary right, which was the beneffit to let me add a comment on my question of my own bounty to reply to a helper user to give him details of the question. but instead of that, moderators sentenced me to a restriction where I can't Ask a queston on **superuser.com** because I was angry because the moderators indifference to help me to add a comment on my own bounty then I published some questions in superuser.com where I don't remember what kind of questions I did, but moderators sentenced me. Do you think that was a good veredict from a moderator?. ...Really?. Well, I don't pretend to discuss the bad acts and abuses of moderators, I only explained what happened the reason of why I have this absurd restriction. I come here with the hope to remove the resriction in which I cannot ask a question on **superuser.com**, because one year has past, and I need to realize a question, simple as that. I didn't made anything wrong in the past to deserve this to gain that kind of restriction. One year has hapened since that discussion, but I always feel the need to ask new questions on **superuser.com** and I can't because that restriction. I hope this time a moderator could understand that all that has happened to me has been an injustice. I'm not any kind of troll, please someone could check my profile in **stackoverflow.com** to see that I'm an user who contributes, I ask, I help oher guys by answering, I fix qustions of me and other people, I retagg, I do a lot of things whenever I could do it. But **superuser.com** is too different from **stackoverlow.com**, in superuser.com is very hard for me to gain points because lack of knowledges so... I just cannot have the same activity as I have in stackoverflow, please understand it. I'm asking for the posibility to let me ask a question in superuser as I always did... I learned from my errors (if any, because it was an injustice), but years has past... come on please, forget the past and remove me that restiction from **superuser.com** account. Thanks read. ***Elektro.***