When a question is a bad one, possibly irredeemable, it will (hopefully) get closed. This prevents further answers from being added. The question can be edited and re-opened. However, when hypothetical new user NiceGuy sees their question closed, they often react badly--sometimes with good reason. Yeah, they left me suggestions for editing the question to make it more acceptable, but I put thought and time into the question, and now it's *closed*? What the hell are those elitist Stack Exchange people thinking? I hate this site! Seriously, **closed** is probably a bad word for this state. Can we change this to something else, like **frozed** or even **suspended**? People interested in cooking or bicycles or writing see the word "closed" and think, "That's it, this is done. A lost cause." As a mod on Bicycles, I sometimes see a bad question, one that will attract bad answers unless I close it *quickly*. So I'll close it, and then the community will complain. I understand their point--let's edit this, not close it--but in the meantime, the bad question will pile up bad answers, wasting everybody's time. (It doesn't help that the first answers on a question will tend to get the most upvotes, regardless of quality.) Let's say we make this change. I'll use the same case of hypothetical new user NiceGuy again: NiceGuy posts a question on a site, comes back the next morning and sees the question hasn't gotten any answers yet--because the question is "Frozen/suspended pending additional information". It would be much more encouraging to NiceGuy to see that we think there's a good question in there, that we want to help it be a better question. I want to avoid seeing that big, bold **[closed]** appended to the title. I suspect that I'm going to hear that we *want* to drive these users way, that we want to lose them. The cost of quality is to drive away the forum rats and twitter hounds. I think that more people can learn to write good questions if we help them in this way. What do you think? How, exactly, could this be implemented?