Upon checking my [flags](http://meta.stackexchange.com/posts/101238/revisions "see here: 'If you spot a user cross-posting, please make use of Moderator Flags to inform the Moderators.'") submitted at Programmers in a randomly picked [sample](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_random_sampling "Wikipedia article on random sampling") week (Oct 21-26), there were 18 cross-posts in 5 days (all either closed or removed now).

I would appreciate if system could help me by making it easier to discover these. From the flags I studied, it would be quite convenient if

1. prior to adding a question to First Posts review queue,
2. system would do an automated check
3. if user has [linked accounts](https://meta.stackoverflow.com/tags/linked-accounts/info)
4. if any of the [open](http://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/11442949#11442949 "our moderator explained that there's no much use to flag if other post has been closed") questions submitted from linked accounts
5. in last 2-3 days
6. have identical markdown and / or rendered text.

Above is essentially how I find cross-posts manually.

I'd like to see results of mentioned check to make further review decision. Alternatively, if such posts are [automatically flagged](http://meta.stackexchange.com/a/125139/165773 "as suggested here") for mod attention, I would prefer them not to enter review queue at all, because reviewing stuff like that twice feels an overkill.


It is worth noting that since my experience is limited solely to Programmers, I can't tell whether this would be useful / feasible for other sites.

* <sup>In particular, I have absolutely no idea if performance wise it would be practical at SO, with its _monstrous_ reviews stream ([~900K reviews in First Posts all time](http://stackoverflow.com/review/first-posts/stats) tell it's about 100x more than at Programmers).</sup>

With above in mind, I think that even if implemented, this probably would better be a feature enabled / disabled on a per-site basis, not SE network wide.