*I think what is on topic on a site's meta is going to be largely up to the individual site.* I should also note that I have no account on ELU, don't visit without an account to read the occasional thread or find answers from Google (as I do on some sites), etc. -------------------- I see no reason a-priori why such a question shouldn't be on topic on a site's *meta*, if they decide it's OK for them. Moreover, my reading of the linked meta help page suggests it would be within the scope. To wit: > ... Meta is for... > - **...English Language & Usage Stack Exchange users to communicate with each other** about English Language & Usage Stack Exchange ... Asking other ELU users about their experience of the site seems perfectly consistent with that to me. As a result, I would not have assumed that I first needed to ask *a different* meta question regarding whether that meta question could be asked on meta, which the linked answer seems to take for granted. Viz., > What you **should** have done was to ask whether such a question would be on-topic (or granted a derogation) *before asking it*.