We are receiving a lot of questions at Earth Sciences Exchange asking for identification of stones.
I am trying to start a [list of the identified minerals we have][1] on our site's Meta. 

As list point to identified minerals, I have started to fill [a little sheet][2] with some information about the piece and the best poster's picture.


My ask is if we could make a free app – without any ads or commercial purpose – for students, share it on GitHub with the information of the posts, using get petitions to generate a kind of mineral guide? It would contain the poster's question and pictures, the top answer and the sheet, that may be edited in wiki mode.

Should we write the site asking for permission? It would be nice if we could use Stack Exchange's and Earth Science's logos.

  [1]: https://earthscience.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/1661/es-stack-exchanges-mineral-guide
  [2]: https://earthscience.stackexchange.com/a/15315/12525