1. Install https://www.tampermonkey.net/ (available for Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Opera Next, and Firefox)

   [![Enter image description here][1]][1]

2. Go to Dashboard:

   [![Enter image description here][2]][2]

3. Go to add user script:

   [![Enter image description here][3]][3]

4. Create the following user script:
   // ==UserScript==
   // @name         Close Stackexchange Up Vote Notifications bar
   // @namespace    *
   // @version      0.1
   // @description  https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/89045/disable
   // @author       You
   // https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/81379/can-we-have-a-list-of-all
   // @include https://*askubuntu.com/*
   // @include https://*mathoverflow.net/*
   // @include https://*blogoverflow.com/*
   // @include https://*serverfault.com/*
   // @include https://*stackoverflow.com/*
   // @include https://*stackexchange.com/*
   // @include https://*stackapps.com/*
   // @include https://*stackmod.blog/*
   // @include https://*stackoverflow.blog/*
   // @include https://*stackoverflowbusiness.com/*
   // @include https://*superuser.com/*
   // @include https://*tex-talk.net/*
   // @include https://*thesffblog.com/*
   // @require http://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.1.min.js
   // ==/UserScript==
   (function() {
       'use strict';
       let keepclosing = async () => {
           let closebutton = $('#overlay-header');
           if(closebutton.length) {
               console.log('Close Stackexchange Up Vote Notifications bar');
               setTimeout(keepclosing, 500);
       setTimeout(keepclosing, 500);
5. Press <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>S</kbd> to save it:

   [![enter image description here][4]][4]

6. Reload your Stack Exchange page and that banner will be automatically closed.

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/Pzim6.png
  [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/lwrHw.png
  [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/8VlRH.png
  [4]: https://i.sstatic.net/MGwy2.png