This is regarding this question: It was posted yesterday and none of the experts knew of any lua library that deals with pixels so because they did not know the answer they have not only assumed that no one else knows the answer but they have closed the question preventing anyone that does know the answer from giving the answer. My point really is just because an "expert" does not know of a particular library does not mean the library does not exist. In Stack Overflow there is many a question asking the very same thing just not for Lua: for the most part these questions get answered and left open for the community to answer as the community as a whole will almost always know of more ways than the select few "experts". As a new poster its quite disheartening to see that a question you post gets immediately voted down and ridiculed by senior members who don't know the answer to a question that to be fair was very short but did not at the time include the pixel size or font type as that is a variable that the end user determines and is clearly a factor that the library or dll requested would find out. Such a library does exist and can be found here: but it's not for windows so based on the fact that what I asked has been done already on other platforms its not unreasonable in my view to ask this community if they know a way to achieve the same results on windows.