**No.** Badges are for demonstrating participation in the community. That means answering questions, commenting, voting, flagging. Asking is part of that, yes, but... Finding that you have a problem that needs solving is not a choice you make. You should not be rewarded for it inherently. Sure, having the courage and humility to ask a decent question is the sign of a good "scientist", but... _In principle, I agree with what you're trying to get at._ But, frankly, upvotes have been shown to be a poor indicator of what constitutes a "good" question: more often, they are simply a sign of popularity through simplicity or Skeet tweets… or, worse, a tag that traditionally attracts the LCDs. _In practice, all this would do is encourage people to ask yet more stupid, worthless questions_ and we have quite enough of that as it is. Me, a cynic? Never… ;)