There is a certain amount of questions that are absolutely trivial in nature: How to format a date, how to concatenate a string, et cetera. Questions that could be solved by taking a look into the manual. Random examples from the tags I frequent: * * * * * * **What those OPs need is a link to the right manual, which we should give them.** But the *question* serves no purpose. They don't even have a use by being searchable, because any sane search query would lead to the actual *manual* as the first hit. Jeff discusses the possibility of introducing a new close reason for this over at [][2] According to Robert's suggestion there, it could go like this: > **general reference**: this question is too basic; the answer is indexed in any number of general internet reference sources designed specifically to find that type of information. Please implement this. Add a field (like the "enter duplicate ID here" popup) for users to suggest the correct manual link: ![][3] The suggested links would then be shown in a block in the top section of the question, like duplicate links. Also, the amount of reputation earnable from these trivial questions is appalling. I'm sure a great portion of most high-rep users' points (including mine) is from answering "what was that function for replacing a string again?" type questions. This dilutes the value of reputation as a measure of true expertise a great deal. I would suggest that answers to questions that get closed as "general reference" are made community wiki retroactively, taking away any reputation earned. [2]: [3]: