  <p><strong>Possible Duplicate:</strong><br>
  <a href="http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/23611/view-code-in-new-window">View code in new window</a>  </p>

<p>Large code blocks, including ones that are simply too wide for the browser, can make some questions difficult to read.  I suggest that clicking on a (non-inline) code block, or some handle associated with it, open that block up in a new window.  This would allow the window to be resized as needed to make the code legible and/or positioned so that you can refer to it when answering the question.  The same should be true in the question preview pane when editing an answer. As it is, with some questions, you need to scroll up/down to look at the question, then perhaps scroll up/down/sideways to view the code.</p>