Looking at what done for this question, http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions reports 4 votes, but the question actually got 6 votes: 5 up-votes, and 1 down-vote. ![screenshot][1] ![screenshot][2] 4 is really the score of the question: the difference between the number of up-votes, and the number of down-votes. _Votes_ for me means the number of votes, not the score a post has. _Score_ should be an understood word, on Stack Exchange, as it is already used in the description of some badges, such as [Convention][3] ("*10 posts with a score of 2 on meta*"), or [Disciplined][4] ("*Deleted own post with score of 3 or higher*"). I would not say it is a word that Stack Exchange users don't see in other places on Stack Exchange. [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/xf0rr.png [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/Ihr1Q.png [3]: http://stackoverflow.com/badges/901/convention [4]: http://stackoverflow.com/badges/37/disciplined