After tinkering with this for some time, I have come to the conclusion that for me, the best approach is to link to my SO profile from within the Accomplishments -> Certifications section. It requires some manual maintenance (i.e. adjusting your profile score or whatever else you want to list) but it looks better than embedding the flair image. Here is how to do it: 1. In the Accomplishments section, click the plus (+), then click Certification: [![Add Certification 1][1]][1] 2. Complete the form, making sure to select "Stack Overflow" as the Certification Authority. You can specify anything that you would like for the name. As you can see here, I am listing Skeet's score. [![Add Certification 2][2]][2] 3. Here is how the finished product looks. Notice there is an appropriately sized SO log and a link to Skeet's profile. [![Add Certification 3][3]][3] Depending on what you enter for the Certification Name, you may have to periodically update your profile to reflect your current reputation or whatever else have listed (top x percentage, # of badges, etc). [1]: [2]: [3]: