I think what is happening to your question is that an individual marked it to get closed. It went into a review queue. Once in the review queue other users had to vote on it. That can sometimes take a bit depending on time of day and other variables. Having a question get stuck in a cue for migration can be painful. I will say, I find it very odd that your question was migrated to the motor vehicle SE from the electrical engineering SE when it is clearly an electrical question. I wish I could plumb the depths of their heads but alas, I am unable to perform those godlike powers. I know this really does not answer your question but I hope it gives you some insight into how the review cue works here at Stack Exchange. I will say this in closing. SE has been a great thing for me personally. It has allowed me to get peer review on a number of subjects and has allowed to interact with a plethora of professionals in various fields that I work in and am interested in. Most all of my questions have been answered with multiple answers and the best ones have just organically floated to the top due to the voting mechanisms. **I hope you stick around long enough to discover the better points of SE despite this rough first time experience.**