Early on, there was a question about whether Stack Overflow should [add badges for asking lots of questions](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/4587/badge-for-asking-questions). At the time, [one answer](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/a/4588/1438) was:

> Getting answers is reward enough for asking questions.

Even then, Stack Overflow was getting more than enough questions, so it didn't make much sense to incentivize _more questions_. 

The [accepted answer](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/a/4598/1438) lists the badges that can be earned by asking quality questions. But looking at the list of recent [Great Questions](http://stackoverflow.com/help/badges/22/great-question), it looks more like a list of [old and popular](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/q/123050/1438) questions. They are also much harder to earn on sites like [History](http://history.stackexchange.com/help/badges/22/great-question) even though there are some [high-quality questions](http://history.stackexchange.com/questions?sort=votes) on that site.

It turns out that it's somewhat harder to ask questions on [other topics](http://meta.history.stackexchange.com/q/866/690) and question frequency can be a real struggle. We [optimize for pearls](http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2011/06/optimizing-for-pearls-not-sand/), but you still need plenty of oysters. The Student bronze badge is awarded for the _first_ upvoted<sup>1</sup> answer. There are no equivalent gold or silver badges. Therefore, I'd like to propose the following:

* **Student**&mdash;Asked first question with score of 1 or more
* **Sophomore**&mdash;Asked 10 questions with score of 1 or more
* **Socrates**&mdash;Asked 50 questions with score of 1 or more

Do you have any suggestions of better names/levels?


To give you an idea of how many of these badges would be awarded, I wrote [a query](http://data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/181756/question-asking-badges?gold=50&silver=10&bronze=1). The results<sup>2</sup> for the original trilogy:

    users   gold silver bronze none    Site Name 
    ------- ---- ------ ------ ------- --------- 
    3000344 7127 67713  805778 2194566 Stack Overflow
    235053  115  1698   53073  181980  Super User
    156773  53   1191   40063  116710  Server Fault

The gold version on SO is slightly more rare than [Unsung Heros](http://stackoverflow.com/help/badges/226/unsung-hero) and more common than [Great Questions](http://stackoverflow.com/help/badges/22/great-question). Obviously, there are fewer badges for smaller sites:

    5545    1    18     917    4628    Philosophy
    4032    4    41     802    3230    History 
    5663    3    28     917    4746    Parenting 

Several older sites would get none at all:

    5778    null 29     1063   4715    Quantitative Finance
    7884    null 20     927    6957    Project Management
    4333    null 17     1630   2703    Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Repair

At most, these smaller sites get [5 questions a day](http://stackexchange.com/sites?view=list#questionsperday), which is completely manageable for communities of their size. I suspect that a gold or silver badge would encourage site regulars to increase that number without sacrificing quality. Certainly the requirement for those questions to stay in positive territory would prevent a person from flooding the site<sup>3</sup> with terrible questions in order to get the badge.


1. The [original spec](http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2008/07/stack-overflow-badge-feedbac/) didn't consider voting at all for Student and Teacher.

2. Your results will vary from mine since I'm looking at slightly newer data. The bronze badge count also differs from the number of [Student](http://stackoverflow.com/help/badges/2/student) badges because the badge isn't revoked when a user's question is later downvoted or deleted.

3. There is a potential problem with cookie-cutter or variation-on-a-theme questions. However, I think the typical tools for closing and deleting questions will prevent people from gaming the system for these badges.