> **Possible Duplicate:**  
> [Reputation display bug… Again](https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/148636/reputation-display-bug-again)  

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On my Stack Overflow profile page, the rep for my account on photography.stackexchange.com says 1. My actual rep however is 101, and when I look at my profile-page on Photography it says 101 (see images).

**As seen on Stack Overflow**
![As seen on Stack Overflow][1]

**As seen on Photography**
![As seen on Photography][2]

The account was created a couple of weeks ago, and I have had the rep since then, so I guess it isn't a cache-issue.

Not that it really matter, but does anyone know why this is? 

**Update:** The same incorrect info is shown on the profile on both Meta and User Experience as well.

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/IeZQy.png
  [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/uTbJe.png