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Questions that may not necessarily have a clear-cut right or wrong answer and are often subjective. If your question isn't a bug report, feature request, or request for support, it's probably a discussion.

8 votes
2 answers

Main reason for the choice of .NET to build StackOverflow?

I'm new to SO and I find this site very well done. So I was wondering What Was Stack Overflow Built With? and I easily find the answer. Now I'm curious to know what is the main reason of this choice? …
alain.janinm's user avatar
4 votes

How long should/can I wait before accepting an answer?

how long should/can I wait before accepting an answer? You can wait as long as you want, you should wait for the answer that solves your problem. vote up good answers and vote down wrong answ …
alain.janinm's user avatar