Prevent users from immediately deleting their accounts if they've made one post
The logic for when immediate self-deletions are allowed has been changed. This option is now only open to users who have not posted anything (who have less than 101 rep). Once a user has posted ...
Should we disallow users from immediately deleting their accounts if they've made one post?
Instead of changing how account deletion works, can we give moderators the missing hook? Can we make a (post-account-deletion) spam/rude deletion or suspension still affect the account as if it hadn'...
Prevent users from immediately deleting their accounts if they've made one post
A thing worth noting with regards to the trick phenomenon you describe is, it seems to be increasing the attrition rate - because this way, people can drop off immediately after their first ...
Should we disallow users from immediately deleting their accounts if they've made one post?
Perhaps we could play Solomon, and split the baby...
What if we could allow user accounts to be soft deleted? As in, as far as the public is concerned the account disappears, but it's still hidden in ...
My bad questions are holding me to perpetual question bans. Revised
It sounds like you have been post banned on more than one Stack Exchange site, and each post ban is site-specific, and type-specific (questions separate from answers) so you will need to work with a ...
Prevent users from immediately deleting their accounts if they've made one post
These days, we've been encountering a troll who seems to know all of the above facts and immediately deletes their account after making their trollish post.
Maybe the Fire Department put them out.
My bad questions are holding me to perpetual question bans. Revised
This is in response to your new addition:
Everything I tried is in vain. If I ever want to ask a question I will have to open another account and never visit my old account again. This time I'll ...
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
Related Tags
anti-recidivism-system × 8feature-request × 4
status-completed × 3
rate-limiting × 3
support × 2
low-quality-posts × 2
deleted-accounts × 2
trolling × 2
discussion × 1
bug × 1
review × 1
moderator-tools × 1
asking-questions × 1
post-ban × 1
comment-flags × 1
multiple-accounts × 1