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184 votes

Some improvements to blockquotes

The blockquote yellow does two things Indents Differentiates I feel like this focuses on #1 and leaves out #2. For simple uses it would be fine, but when skimming long Q&A I often use the yellow ...
Machavity's user avatar
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102 votes

Some improvements to blockquotes

This is a retrograde step for sites that need quotes to be differentiated from text. While I agree that there is a need to differentiate spoilers and quotes, and the light grey for spoilers works ...
illustro's user avatar
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39 votes

Some improvements to blockquotes

See my answer on EL&U and tell me the new blockquotes is an improvement. At a glance, the citations and my words look pretty much all the same now. Please bring back "block colour"; ...
Mari-Lou A Слава Україні's user avatar
31 votes

Some improvements to blockquotes

Across the network blockquotes are by far more commonly used than spoilers, so it seems unfortunate to sacrifice the readability/identifiability of blockquotes to differentiate them better from ...
Earthliŋ's user avatar
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28 votes

Some improvements to blockquotes

Visually displaying the quotation marks, as well as the color differences, may help. e.g. (Using "FontAwesome" Symbols)
cubick's user avatar
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27 votes

Some improvements to blockquotes

I thought stackoverflow started out as being a programming site...Let's see: Python documentation uses color. Java API uses color. Even MSDN has color (verifiable here.) Now we're supposed to go ...
bad_coder's user avatar
  • 27.9k
26 votes

Where should I use Blockquotes?

It's called a "quote" for a reason. You use it when you're quoting something.... mostly. And how you use it will depend to some degree on the site you're on, so if you see them using it in a way that'...
Catija's user avatar
  • 109k
26 votes

Some improvements to blockquotes

Note that this did not solve the problem with spoilers you wanted to solve. Uncovered spoilers still look exactly like quotes: This is a quote. Update: With further changes to formatting, this is ...
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
  • 28.2k
26 votes

Some improvements to blockquotes

I'm all for the general idea, and I'd like to see higher contrast ratios across the board at SE. However, this poses a slight issue with images. Quote markup is often used to provide a border around ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
25 votes

Some improvements to blockquotes

This is IMHO totally counter productive. There might be some remote cases where the nesting is better rendered with the left bar style, but for the most part you are breaking the intent of posters on ...
chqrlie's user avatar
  • 403
22 votes

How can I separate multiple quote blocks?

Use comment markup <!-- --> and an extra whiteline between the quote blocks: > Are questions about Microsoft Word Online on-topic here? I don't > really see any posted here, but perhaps I ...
rene's user avatar
  • 91.4k
21 votes

Some improvements to blockquotes

I tried to live with this for two three months now, and I gotta say: I still really miss the older layout. I understand the problem with spoilers and design on some communities with different ...
Joel Coehoorn's user avatar
18 votes

Some improvements to blockquotes

Suggested compromise The major design goal of this change appears to be to remove the "overpowering" background: Historically, we had a bit of feedback that the yellow backgrounds were ...
Steve Bennett's user avatar
18 votes

Quotes should look different from spoilers

The spoiler feels very 1998. It reminds me of the <marquee> tag, but I like it. I think the current spoiler-guard isn't clear what it is. At first it just looks like the poster made a mistake ...
bobobobo's user avatar
  • 13.7k
17 votes

How can I separate multiple quote blocks?

Is this what you wanted? > Are questions about Microsoft Word Online on-topic here? I don't > really see any posted here, but perhaps I am not searching correctly. > - mweiss <span>&...
Shreyash S Sarnayak's user avatar
16 votes

Some improvements to blockquotes

I agree with most of what has been said so far in the other answers. Quotes are intended to be separate from the main content, and this change makes it harder to tell apart quotes from other text. I ...
Zoe - Save the data dump's user avatar
16 votes

Don't add new lines when quoting some text

Marking this specific request as status-deferred because we are not going to be making any more changes to the current editor. The good news is that this behavior is functioning as you are looking for ...
Yaakov Ellis's user avatar
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15 votes

Please revert the quote background from white to yellow

I made a Google Chrome extension to revert the recent changes to line height, colors, padding, etc. I've included an option to revert the blockquote styling as well. Download Google Chrome Extension ...
Prid's user avatar
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13 votes

Please revert the quote background from white to yellow

The best solution would be to add some global color settings to the users profile that would be valid throughout all sites. The main goal should be readability for the person reading the text, not ...
Mark Johnson's user avatar
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11 votes

Can the sites about religions have suitable background for block quotes?

I don't think this would really be all that helpful on Christianity.SE. Nostalgia isn't a virtue. Our scriptures aren't only found in parchment scrolls or faded yellow books, but clean white pages ...
curiousdannii's user avatar
11 votes

Produce a continuous bar on the left side of a blockquote of several paragraphs

Add a > on the blank lines: “Well, and talking of Mamie?” says I. Jim paused with his trousers half on. “She's the gallantest little soul God ever made!” he cried. “Loudon, I'd meant to knock you ...
rene's user avatar
  • 91.4k
10 votes

Allow sourcing in blockquote markdown

I recently brought up this topic on Meta ELU, Citation/attribution for quote in blockquote on ELU. In the course of investigating before posting about the issue, I discovered that the W3C HTML5 ...
JEL's user avatar
  • 441
10 votes

Please revert the quote background from white to yellow

Given that nearly half a year has passed with no fixes to these poor design choices, except to the line-height in code blocks, it looks like the bods at Stack Exchange don't really care about ...
Ollie's user avatar
  • 26.9k
10 votes

How and when should one add "[sic]" to a quotation in a SE answer?

[sic] means exactly so or verbatim and usually is used to point out an authors inability of correct writing. It's often enough abused just to exhibit a person, and that's a thing going ad hominem and ...
πάντα ῥεῖ's user avatar
9 votes

Can the sites about religions have suitable background for block quotes?

It's a decent idea, but I don't think it will be implemented. Neither Markdown nor HTML distinguishes between different types of block quotes, so there is no way to separate quoting another post (or, ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 254k
9 votes

Quoted headings are rendered properly on preview but not when posted

This bug has been fixed in Markdig, the server-side Markdown renderer we're using. I just updated the version we use to the one including the bugfix for this specific issue. Moving forward, you should ...
Ham Vocke's user avatar
  • 12.1k
9 votes

Did the automated CommonMark migration mess up the formatting of this answer?

For full context: the Markdown source of the text in your screenshot: > Access denied with the following error: > Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
8 votes

Some improvements to blockquotes

I like the loud coloration for blockquotes as it makes the content appear foreign in the post which a quotation actually is. However I consider the unlimited availability of infinite depth quote ...
bobobobo's user avatar
  • 13.7k
8 votes

Including number (#) symbol on a quote

You just need to escape the # with a backslash, like this: > \#test which parses as: #test BTW, note that you can also have a code block inside a quote: > #like this which parses as: ...
Ilmari Karonen's user avatar
8 votes

How to add a blank line in a blockquote?

I use the trick to add a <!> in between: Blockquote A Blockquote B
fedorqui 'SO stop harming''s user avatar

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