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Use with [meta] to request that a tag here on Meta Stack Exchange be removed. Use in case of uncertainty when requesting discussion, or when the popularity of the tag makes manual retagging prohibitively difficult.


Only ask your question here if you want to use it along with to have a tag here on Meta Stack Exchange removed. For other sites, post on the respective per-site meta.

In practice, burnination means editing every question individually, removing the tag, and doing any other cleanup required. Moderators do not have any special tools for this purpose. The only folks who can fully remove a tag are Stack Exchange employees, but they seldom take that action themselves unless the tag has tons of uses, because doing so wipes out all prior history of the tag's use.

Burnination of a tag originally started as a meme which was often associated with Trogdor the dragon burning the tags with fire. It stands for simple deletion of a tag. Burninating tags does not imply that they will be merged with another tag, synonymized with another tag, or blocked from use altogether.


Use this tag for requests to have the tag deleted from the system.

If your request is not to have the tag deleted, but to have it either merged or synonymized into another tag, use or (respectively).

If you are requesting that the tag be blocked as well as burninated, you should also include the tag on the question.

Before You Request Tag Deletion

If the tag has no questions associated with it, do not submit a tag deletion request. The system automatically deletes tags with no questions under them within 24 hours, and no action on anyone's part is required.