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10 votes

How can a User's CreationDate be after they have posted?

There are two viable explanations that I know of: Long ago, we sometimes allowed merges of profiles going from an older profile into a newer profile. The merge process always keeps the CreationDate ...
animuson's user avatar
  • 190k
8 votes

How does SO store revisions?

No, it does not store diffs. The complete source of each version is simply kept for each revision. Although the exact implementation might differ we can peek at the database schema for SEDE and the ...
rene's user avatar
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5 votes

Does Stack Exchange use event sourcing?

That timeline is pretty much this: Select stuff from Comments Union Select stuff from Posts Union Select stuff from PostHistory Union Select stuff from Votes Union Select stuff from ReviewTaskResults ...
Shog9's user avatar
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4 votes

How does a post end up in the review queue?

What kinds of posts get to the review table? (Ex. Questions, answers,..) Yes, questions and answers. Tag wikis and tag wiki excerpts too. Depends on the queue. What is the qualifying factor? ...
Oded's user avatar
  • 155k
3 votes

How does Stack Overflow find 'Linked' questions?

They are certainly stored in the database, and available in SEDE in the PostLinks table (for details, see the schema documentation). When something happens to a question (like it's edited, or a ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 256k

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