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24 votes

User reputation ranking page is broken

Your observation is correct. For the past two weeks, we've been hit by an evolving DDoS attack. We noticed the attack before it started affecting the site's performance, and limiting access to user ...
Josh Zhang's user avatar
  • 10k
20 votes

So many sites won't let me post. How can I fix this?

The scrolling up is because there's supposed to be a message saying that you can't post a question because you've asked a question too recently - you're rate limited. About a week ago, we shipped a ...
Catija's user avatar
  • 109k
19 votes

Is Meta.StackOverflow having problems?

Turns out that we have a bug in the user merge code that makes an assumption about custom question lists that can be wildly incorrect. I'm fixing the bug itself, but in the meantime I fixed up your ...
Adam Lear's user avatar
  • 160k
19 votes

"Comment reserved for system use" when trying to edit with an edit summary

Caused by a build that deployed a couple hours back (and was, unsurprisingly, reported almost immediately). That change has been reverted. (It's not immediately obvious to me from reading the code ...
Slate's user avatar
  • 9,366
16 votes

Search just broke

Thanks for reporting. This will be fixed in the next build (2017.10.23.27541 on meta). Some juicy details for @ShadowWizard As you may know, we're working on a new channels feature. The code in the ...
m0sa's user avatar
  • 22.2k
16 votes

I need help and the site is not letting me post my code. Says “Your post appears to contain code that is not properly formatted as code.”

Your question is broad, asking for resources and it is unclear what does work and what doesn't work. I've done some editing of your raw text to get it into some shape but I find it difficult to ...
rene's user avatar
  • 91.4k
16 votes

Who is Dave and what is he doing in the chat?

It's a quote from 2001 A Space Odyssey by Arthur C Clark, although these days the quote is better known from the film rather than the book of the film, although both were developed and released at the ...
Robert Longson's user avatar
15 votes

Unable to edit user profile: "Unusual error updating your profile"

An earlier refactoring went a little too far and removed a bit of tech debt that looked unused, but wasn't. The fix should be live in production now. Sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks for the ...
Adam Lear's user avatar
  • 160k
14 votes

Remove `[Text]` from the no-alt-text warning message

OK having read through the reasoning, I actually agree with you on this (though I stand by my reasons for including it in the first place!) I'm now considering the following: Images should have ...
cart's user avatar
  • 749
13 votes

Misleading error message when questions list fails to load

The short summary of this one is "because internet"; it turns out some annoying folks were doing annoying things specifically to be annoying, and a side-effect was disproportionate performance impact ...
Marc Gravell's user avatar
  • 93.1k
13 votes

/review/* failing on SE sites, but not SO

I pushed a bug that didn't manifest locally or on dev - a fix is going out now. Sorry!
Jarrod Dixon's user avatar
  • 38.3k
13 votes

What did I mark this comment as?

I was able to reproduce the issue by opening the same post in a new tab, upvoting a comment from the earlier tab, and attempting to upvote the same comment from the new tab. While this message may ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
13 votes

Stop telling Tor users to contact support for registration, if their request will be dismissed anyway

Perhaps it would be useful to extend the error message slightly? You cannot register at this time. If you are using a service which obscures your real IP address, try turning it off. If you still ...
tripleee's user avatar
  • 14.9k
12 votes

Ask Ubuntu election page is unavailable during current election

The root of the problem here is that the election system doesn't handle situations where users involved in the election are deleted. At least, it doesn't handle them well. In this case, one of the ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 454k
12 votes

"Comment reserved for system use" when trying to edit with an edit summary

This looks like a SE bug. I was just about to post the same issue, and it looks like at least one other has reported this as well .
Brett Holman's user avatar
11 votes

Recent problems with searching (no results or getting maintenance page)

We had a cluster member register a voltage spike on the 10G NIC this morning which caused it to drop from the cluster ungracefully, causing a rapid reallocation and queue exhaustion which caused all ...
Nick Craver's user avatar
11 votes

Timeline buttons are yielding errors across the network

The issue has been fixed. Timelines are back.
Yaakov Ellis's user avatar
  • 63.6k
11 votes

Edit must be at least x characters message shows different values

Your edit must be 6 characters - what you want to change in the post Your edit summary must be 10 characters, your description of what you want to change in the post so we can understand what you're ...
Robert Longson's user avatar
10 votes

Updates to error states

feature-request Make warning look more prominent. While this looks really good for errors, it isn't that good for warnings. Check this out: For errors the bold red does provide enough contrast to ...
Bhargav Rao's user avatar
  • 10.8k
10 votes

Review submission missing POST data when opting to leave a question closed

Glad to hear the fix worked! It was a "this is weird" issue.
Benjamin Hodgson's user avatar
9 votes

Error message says I can't flag... but yes I can

Trivia: many years ago now, there were three types of votes that could be cast on comments... UpMod Delete Offensive The first is the upvote arrow. The second is the delete link (only visible to ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 454k
9 votes

What's causing this error in SEDE?

It's a T-SQL thingy, see the documentation about len: Return Types bigint if expression is of the varchar(max), nvarchar(max) or varbinary(max) data types; otherwise, int. So the Posts.Body ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 253k
9 votes

Nondescript error message when user without enough rep to create tags attempts to suggest edit using not-yet-removed tag with zero questions

So, this is perhaps not a problem with the error message as such... This error occurs during the last stage of edit submission, right before the suggested edit is created in the database. At this ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 454k
9 votes

Typo in "An error occured when uploading the image". occured -> occurred

Thank you for the report! This has been fixed sitewide, along with another 21 other "occurrences" of the same misspelling. Interestingly, this is one of the 100 most common misspellings and ...
KyleMit's user avatar
  • 6,692
9 votes

If your rep drops below 10, images in your profile will continue to show, but you can't edit any part of your profile without removing the images

I guess this situation is rare enough that nobody thought of it. I'd expect the same to happen with many links in regular posts and other new user restrictions. What would be the alternative? Hide the ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 253k
8 votes

Make the message shown to registered users without enough reputation to vote less confusing

We ended up going with your second option: Thanks for the feedback! You need at least [x] reputation to cast a vote, but your feedback has been recorded. Thanks for the suggestion!
Adam Lear's user avatar
  • 160k
8 votes

I'm getting "Uncaught ReferenceError: Stacks is not defined" errors in my browser console on Stack Exchange sites

Shout out to rene for correctly identifying the cause of the problem! So what happened? Here's a little bit of history and description of the problem. Prior to starting our migration to Webpack, we ...
allejo's user avatar
  • 1,490
8 votes

"An error occurred with log in."

Recent Incident with Email/Password Log In - January 9th, 2024 Starting on Tuesday, January 9th at 20:45 UTC, we received an alert that our OpenId Provider was receiving timeout exceptions to its ...
Jacob Adams's user avatar
  • 104
8 votes

New image uploader should have a more descriptive error when you paste in a link rather than a picture

I can't check what the previous uploader used to show, so I checked on imgur itself and that's what they show: The text says: Sorry, URL failed to upload. Which is indeed more descriptive than a ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
8 votes

New image uploader should have a more descriptive error when you paste in a link rather than a picture

Okay, we now have some better error messaging in place. Depending on the URL, we may either tell you it didn't look enough like a valid image or just that we failed to download it all together
KyleMit's user avatar
  • 6,692

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